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Health & Safety Statement

  1. The GENERAL POLICY of the company is to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all members of staff, contractors, visitors and members of the general public who may be affected by the group activities
  2. By providing and maintaining a working environment that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health and which is satisfactory as regards facilities and arrangements for the welfare of staff at work, and complies with all the necessary legal requirements.
  3. By providing and maintaining, as far as is reasonably practicable, premises together with means of entry thereto and there from which are safe and without risk.
  4. By ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that plant, machinery, equipment or appliances for the time being on the company premises are safe and without risk to health, safety and welfare at work of all staff.
  5. By providing information, instruction, training and supervision in the use of such plant, machinery and equipment as is, in the opinion of the company, necessary
  6. By ensuring that the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health, safety and welfare of all staff.
  7. By consulting with the workforce through the Health and Safety Committee and by other means on matters of health and safety
  8. By the identification of all hazards and the assessment of risks which may affect people, especially young persons with a view to reducing them to an acceptable limit.
  9. By a regular review and up-dating of this policy.
  10. By ensuring all employees have access to a copy of the Health and Safety Policy


Environmental Policy Statement

Puur Ltd recognizes that day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practice wherever possible. Puur Ltd will work to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and adopt greener alternatives wherever possible, throughout our operations.

In all our activities we aspire to:

  • Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations.
  • Prevent pollution to land, air and water.
  • Reduce water and energy use.
  • Minimize waste and increase recycling within the framework of our waste management procedures.
  • Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards.
  • Involve customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives. Promote environmentally responsible purchasing.
  • Provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control.
  • Improve the environmental efficiency of our transport and travel.
  • Establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

All employees are responsible for working towards the objectives contained within this policy.